7 January 2012

January blues

1. £34 Topshop | 2. £40 River Island | 3. £22 Motel Rocks | 4. £8 ASOS | 5. £28 ASOS | 6. £36 Topshop

Ah, January.  Although it means the start of a brand new year and many people can get pleasure from this fact (new beginnings and all that), it also has negatives, going back to work probably being the main one, right?  I've only been at college for four days and I'm already wishing for another week (or three) off!  Think I'm suffering from couch-potatoism.  Plus the cold weather is just rubbish now as it has no festive connotations... sigh!  But I thought I'd try and give the term a much more positive meaning by focusing on wearing blue, rather than feeling it.
I am quickly falling in love with this colour and don't doubt that it will still be popular come summer in pastel shades.  I think if I bought one thing in this colour it would be a blue shirt, so versatile and chic... although those pajama-esque River Island jeans would be a lovely addition to my wardrobe.
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