14 April 2013

Sunday sum up

1. Have I been shopping in my sleep again? | 2. So I ripped a hole in my favourite bra and decided to rip it all out, I quite like it... | 3. New top.

4. Here's what happens if I don't brush after dry shampooing, roarrrr! | 5. I wear hats and lipstick inside, is that as bad as wearing sunglasses inside? | 6. My morning.

7. OOTD. | 8. Strange shaped box, hmmm? | 9. Walking home.

10. Problems of a tattooing apprentice... | 11. "Muuum, get me a spooon!" | 12. Favourite. <3

13. I genuinely don't remember ordering this.  I have issues. | 14. OOTD. | 15. Nooo!

16. Playing dress up. | 17. Saturday night. | 18. Tat.

19. Mah face. | 20. I get to wake up to this beauty every morning. | 21. Forgot mah pants.


  1. your tattoos are amazing!

    amy x

  2. Amazing post! Love your tattoo, and dont worry I think I have started to shop in my sleep aswell haha

    Boy In Brogues
