5 February 2012

Velvet shoes


Yay, I'm outfit-posting again!  With the weather it's been hard enough as it is, but now I can't even open my back-door for whatever reason, so I have to go through the shed.  I know it's not the most practical of times to be taking outfit photos, what with the snow and all (if you look at the last picture you can probably see how cold my hands were!), but I thought better to look a bit silly than to not post for another day.  However I did actually leave the house with a coat on, so I wasn't too bad. 
These are my new shoes which broke my spending ban.  I've been wanting some creepers for months, but at eighty pounds they're quite far out of my budget, so when I saw these I let out an exctied 'ooooooooh!' and quickly added them to my basket before I changed my mind, and I had 20% off using a code I'd received in an email, so I only paid twenty pounds for them!  Best. Find. Ever.
I've had a nice, chilled weekend.  The snow meant I was 'stranded' at my boyfriend's yesterday as no taxis or buses were running, but we had a nice, chilled night (with chocolate) so it could have been much worse.  I also bought all my monthly magazines this week, I daren't work out how much I spend on magazines altogether but I know even if I did I'd still buy them.  I've still got to catch up on last month's but I'm getting there!
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1 comment:

  1. Love this outfit! I bought a leather vest but wasn't sure how to style it! Looks great on you xox
