22 May 2012

A walk in the sun


It was only a couple of days ago when practically the whole of England was whinging and moaning about the what-should-be-lovely-at-this-time-of-year-but-isn't weather and then BOOM, this week we're having a heat wave.  I'd be surprised, but this is such typical British weather, I'll have my coat and tights on again come Friday! Which is exactly why I am refusing to stay inside doing nothing (probably better for my revision though) when the weather is as beautiful as this, so I decided to grab my camera and go for a walk to find some place where I haven't been before, which is always fun!  I couldn't resist taking some outfit pictures once we got got to the stream, a few minutes before the pictures I had gotten my feet a little wet after discovering that there was no easy way across, but they soon dried off.  It was so nice to have a little break from the usual things which I do and just go and sit in a wide, open space with no noise but the tweeting of birds.  I later realised, though, that I am actually allergic to grass (although it's never been a problem before, I didn't even know you could be allergic to grass until earlier!) after I was itching and and scratching for a few hours once I got home resulting in little bumps all over my legs, AS WELL AS sniffing and sneezing because of my hay fever.  So although I had a lovely time on my little walk, I am just not destined to be outside it seems.  PFFFT.
The outfit is simple and there's not much to it really, mainly to stop me overheating and spontaneously combusting, which is never fun.  The t-shirt and skirt are nice and loose and the blazer was a just-incase item really, but I didn't feel too hot in it.
So that's my day, what do you like to do when the weather's this UH-MAZIN'?  Hopefully there's more of it to come!  Or maybe you just live in a distant country where it's nice all the time, you lucky duck.
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  1. your outfit looks so cute, I love going out and exploring when its nice weather, lovely photo's too


  2. Oh I love your necklace! I like to go on bike rides when the weather is this lush x

  3. Your pictures are lovely- the dandelion one is gorgeous! Isn't the weather lovely, wish I could forget work and spend the day outside. I have hay fever too- such a bitch! xxx

  4. I love where you've taken your photos! Such perfect weather. Love the skirt too!x
