21 May 2012


So this is my new, and first, tattoo which I got on Saturday. If you don't know already, the are lyrics are from 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol (listen to it) which has been and always will be my favourite song by my favourite band (ever since I first heard them in 2006, and my mum took me to see them later that year). The song sums up love beautifully and the meaning of the song is exactly what love should be about. It was significant to me way back then and will be for-pretty-much-ever. Even if you haven't listened to it, though, you can understand and probably relate to it already from these three lines, which is exactly why I chose them.

I always planned to get my first tattoo on my back as it's easy to show off whenever I fancy but also easy to hide so it wouldn't be an issue when it comes to finding a job in the future.  I already had the 'design' on paper when I walked in, the tattooist then made a copy of it on carbon paper which took about ten minutes.  I had crazy-ass butterflies all day but as soon as I walked into the little tattooing room with the two chairs and all the equipment it really hit me.  It wasn't the pain that I was afraid of but the fact that I didn't know what to expect, which I am rubbish at dealing with (if you're gonna pop a balloon in the same room as me YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO TELL ME BEFORE YOU DO IT, par exemple...), but after he did the little dot on the question mark so I could get a feel of it I was completely fine and I calmed down.  Yes, it is getting scratched over and over again, but the breaks that he took every few seconds to wipe it definitely helped to make it bearable, as well as the lolly I was sucking on to distract me (some pick music, I pick lolly pops...).  I think it lasted about thirty to forty five minutes but I was told it took a lot longer than it would usually have as I had 'the most sensitive skin he'd ever seen', it wasn't exactly comfortable, but I don't think it was a terrible experience and I can see why people find them addictive.  I thought that it would get a lot worse once he was going over the spine, but there was only one bit going over it which felt a teensy bit more painful than the rest but nothing which I felt the need to scream/swear/even let out a little 'owwww' at (the in-my-head voice was a different matter).  I knew I was going to be happy that I'd done it once I'd seen the result so it was completely worth it for me, if you want one then please don't let the pain put you off and just do it!

That's now three things crossed off my '30 before 30' list!

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  1. Omg I haven't heard this song until i red it off your tattoo. Love that song too and related to it in such a deep way. such a nice tattoo I love it :)

  2. I have writing in the exact same place on my back!!



  3. Lots of congrats on getting your first tattoo! I think that black and white photo is really beautiful<3

  4. Lovely :) making me want my second tattoo already *waiting so i can give blood first* sigh, I'll get there :) haha xx

  5. i love your tatoo. it is really great. i wish i wouldnt be such a pussy and would do one myself, but until then i am watching other people getting them.
