'Oh no, not these trousers AGAIN?' You say? Ahhhh well. I think, and after seeing some pictures of other people donning this amazing pair of trews I KNOW, that these would look bang tidy with a pair of heels, but I am so not a heels girl, far from it. Don't get me wrong, I have sat there many a time, laptop on knees, ooh-ing and ahh-ing over some seriously amazing shoes (I still can't get over how amazingly awesome Prada's S/S 12 flame/rocket shoes are. WOW.), and I hope one day I can own a pair of Loubous (that man is a GENIUS) but I would do no justice to beautiful pair of five-inchers. I'm clumsy enough in flat shoes, and I lose my balance at least once every time I take outfit photos, and that's from just STANDING STILL. It's ridiculous.
I went a bit more matchy-matchy to wear these pants this time, with another blue item but in a different shade, of course. Perhaps, with the relatively slouchy jumper, it does make the whole outfit look a little too pyjama-ish. But thankfully, this season is the season when one can get away with such a thing. Thank you fashion gods. Perhaps next time I'll just wear my dressing gown and my monster-feet slippers (yes, that's right. They're even more brilliant than they sound), what do you think? Hmmm, perhaps not.
I have saved up a bit of money to do a bit of shopping, but you know how it is, you spend all your time lusting after practically everything, and then once you get some you don't know what to pick, or sometimes you just don't want anything at all, but I can't say I know much about the latter.
Today will be spent doing some work and avoiding outside as much as possible, as the rain and cold are BACK *dramatic music, lightning strikes outside, etc*. The sun was here, for A WEEK, now it's gone. Summer is over. That's it. Fanks England, fanksalot.