19 September 2012

Wishful Wednesday

1. I saw this in my local Topshop the other week and thought the cross elbow patches were really cool.  A bit pricey for what you get, but cool all the same.
2. I think hats are great accessories to add to any outfit, and this chain adds a perfect edge to the hat.
3.  Rucksacks are the perfect alternative to your average handbag.  The spikes and the faux leather just make it the bestest bag EVER.
4. I've been after a boyfriend watch foreverrrr, and this is the closest I can get to a Michael Kors watch without the hefty price tag.  I like the mix of rose gold and silver, too.
5. I usually go for quite fun rings, such as my moustache one, but I really like the colours on this one.  The spikes on the sides stop it from being too dressy, as well.
6.  This is just wicked.  Awesome with a pair of skinnies, Converse and a faux leather jacket.  Yes.
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  1. the astronaut tee is actually incredible. i bloomin love it.

  2. loving the spaceman and the gorgeous jumper :) x


  3. These items are gorgeous! I absolutely love that River Island rucksack.

    xoxo, Meera
