14 September 2012

Friday Favourites

1. The perfect adrognyous outfit.  I must find me a hat like this one!
2. I am in love with the colours of this look, the clutch-slash-cushion is now on my wishlist.
3. Tartan, a studded collar and a pop of red.  Yes, yes, yes.
4. I really like the soft, grey dress contrasted with the skirt.  Yes people, this shows there is more than one way to wear a dress.
5. What's better than a peplum?  An extreme, exaggerated peplum, obvs.  Looks great with the wine-coloured jeans.  I really want to recreate this look for next season.
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  1. some gorgeous outfits here! loving the peplum tops, feathers and leather! :) x


  2. Love your blog :) Friday favourites are great! Love the 3rd outfit xxx
