10 February 2013

Sunday Sum Up

1. Having a good hair day guys, thought you should know. | 2. In town. | 3. Wanttt.

4. Been to the bookshop. | 5. Making tea. | 6. Trying out a deep purple lipstick, controversial!

7. Waking up. | 8. This look. | 9. I'm sexy and I snow it!  WAHEY.

10. Just made the bus!  Home sweet home in a couple of hours. | 11. Coming home to Cara. | 12. Making some toastie toast!

13. And some teeeea! | 14. Bro's got a new phone. | 15. Taking this to watch at dad's.

16. Walking to dad's, brrr! | 17. At daddy's. | 18. Watching 'Come Dine With Me' with mummy.  Standard.

19. AH SPILT MAH TEA! | 20. Blogging. | 21. I love me some fresh sheets!

22. OOTD. | 23. Out with mum. | 24. Nom!

25. Going to Tescooo! | 26. Editing. | 27. Another reason why I need to win the lottery...

28. Mum got this free in her Happy Meal... It has stickers and everything! | 29. Bedtime reading. | 30. OOTD.

31. Waiting to get my tattoos recoloured. | 32. On the boos. | 33. Sunshine.

34. Yeahhh bitchesss! | 35. Blogging. | 36. Quorn spag bol with garlic bread for tea, thanks mum!

37. I have a monobrow. | 38. Found this on my mirror, aw I love my mummy. | 39. Mooousse!

40. Sappenin'. | 41. New ink! | 42. OOTN.  Sexayyy.

43. Fluffy chocolate mousse! | 44. About to watch. | 45. Handbag made to look like a lunch bag in a pastel green colour.  That's hot.

46. Latest outfit post. | 47. Tattoo #5. | 48. Found a photo of this little guy, it stayed in our house over Christmas and made an appearance every now and again.


  1. I love these posts! Really like the new tattoo x

  2. The purple lipstick looks great!

