19 January 2013

But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

Vest top: URBAN OUTFITTERS | Blue triangle bra: TOPSHOP | Chunky boyfriend watch: RIVER ISLAND |
High waisted jeans: MISSGUIDED | Shoes: CONVERSE

The jeans are out again... If Kate Middleton is 'thrifty' for wearing something twice, then I am now the thriftiest person on earth.  I'm not even a big jeans wearer, this is only my second pair, but recently I have been fully embracing more androgynous looks over dresses.  Plus it's been bloody freezing what with the snow and all, so jeans seem like the most sensible option at the moment.  My love for them is definitely down to the high waist, they fit so perfectly and are super flattering.  I still can't believe I only paid twenty pounds for them, w-o-w.
The bra and the top are both new purchases, and both from the sales, and I wanted them both when they were full price too.  Yep, I have been incredibly lucky with my sales shopping this year, which gives 2013 a very good start.
I properly dig vest tops which have a large sleeve hole (apologies if there's an official name for these, I can't remember at all...) so you can flash a bit of your bra.  This triangle bra is such a bright colour and the thin strap makes it nice and feminine, giving the perfect touch to this boyish outfit.  Plus it matches with my shoesies, did you notice?  Sure you didddd.
Hope you're all having a nice weekend! My brother and I walked to my dad's in the snow today - brrrr! - and then we watched 'Man on Fire'.  I have seen before but had forgotten it, but I really enjoyed it! (Again).  I'm a big fan of Denzel and his acting, he's so badass.  It had my holding back the tears at the end though, I'm a pussy when it comes to films.  Have you seen the trailer for the new film he's in?  That looks good too and has been added to my 'To watch' list.
The rest of the night will be spent watching absolute crud on television with the ma'.  Sorted.
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  1. Love the jeans! x

  2. Love the top and jeans! Did you get them from Missguided recently? Love them and they look just like the topshop ones xx


    1. Sorry for not linking! Yes they are new and you can find them here: http://www.missguided.co.uk/buena-blue-stone-wash-disco-pants and yeah they are very similar and a lot cheaper, win win!

  3. those jeans are perfect miss. i like the bra and matching converse ;) i had a look on the website and they didn't have the bra in the sale, not even in normal section, weep.

  4. Absolutely love this outfit, I want those jeans!!


  5. You have such a great style! I love muscle tees and highwaisted jeans too and your jeans look so amazing..<3!

    check out me styling some high-waisted jeans on my last post too! :)

  6. Those jeans really suit you! I watched Man On Fire a little while ago, such a good film! xx

  7. Love the effect of your photo's and your lovely casual outfit :)

  8. Awesome outfit! I love acid wash jeans, shame they don't look good on me! Such effortless style! xx

