... Turned eighteen and went to London.
Landaaaan! I had been wanting to visit London ever since I can remember, I've always known I'm more of a city girl and am not really suited to my little hometown. I think London is one of the greatest places on earth, despite my short-lived experience of it. Standing under 'Big Ben' was pretty surreal. It totally lived up to my expectations and was one of the best weekends of my life, I hope to go back there soon with my mum.
... Got my first tattoo, and then my second.
If you've been following me for a while you might already know of this. I am so proud of my tattoos and they're two of the best decisions I've ever made, getting one as soon as I turned eighteen was pretty inevitable. Please don't anyone feed me with the 'oh but what about when you're eighty?' argument, because if that's the worst reason you can think of against tattoos then please sit down and shut up whilst I go and get my third one done.
... Watched an amazing documentary on elephants.
This may seem like a silly thing for a documentary to be a significant point in my life, but it really was. I was up at four, maybe five o' clock one morning and happened to stumble upon a documentary on elephants, focusing on a family lead by 'Echo', who David Attenborough actually did his first documentary with. I just cried the whole way through and am now in complete awe of the beautiful creatures. I hope to see them in their own habitat one day, even seeing them in Chester Zoo was breathtaking.
... Saw dinosaurs!
Not only am I an elephant geek, but I am also obsessed with dinosaurs. Always have been, in fact I probably came out of my mother's hoo-hoo clasping on to a little dinosaur toy. Any of you ever watch 'The Land Before Time'? Yeah, I have the DVD boxset, and it's one of my favourite possessions to this day. Enough said? I think so. I was really hoping to catch the dinosaur exhibition at Chester Zoo before it moved on, which my lovely mother managed to make happen. It was so cool and probably the geekiest twenty minutes of my life.
Can I go again?
... Moved to Manchester and started uni.
So this was a pretty big deal and one of the scariest things I've done in my life, leaving college, leaving Burnley, leaving my home. I went so far out of my comfort zone I may as well have been standing there naked with people pointing and laughing. I'm such a mummy's girl and had never even done a trip to Manchester on my own before until a week before moving there. But I did it, and living in Manchester some of the time is so cool. Uni was and still is a pretty terrifying experience, but I'm doing my best with it all.
... Watched one of the greatest films ever.
Bringing out the inner nerd in me dedicating a whole paragraph to this film, but hey, I have no shame. I am referring to the one and only Batman, which you may or may not know (sense the sarcasm), released its conclusion to the trilogy earlier this year. It shot up to one of my best films of all time and am pretty certain it will stay there forever. The cast is flawless, the script... Oh man, it's just one of the most perfect things I have ever seen. 'The Amazing Spiderman' was also one of my top films of the year (I was really sceptical but the new characters just make it so much better) and I recently saw 'Life of Pi', which is one of the most amazing things I will ever watch.
... Bought the most awesome tee.
My spaceman tee! D'uh. I bought this from Topshop a few months ago and it's the most unique thing I own. Not because it has a weird shape, or is in a strange fabric, nope, but it has an astronaut on it, when else do you see that on clothing? This is definitely my number one purchase this year, way up there with my skinny leather pants from River Island.
... Read 'The Hunger Games' trilogy.
I recently wrote my opinions on these books and expressed my love for it there, but if you didn't read that, I'll sum it up - the best set of books I have ever read. Ever. And this is coming from a girl who devoured the 'Fifty Shades' series (yep...) and then had a sulk for a week because I had finished them. But 'The Hunger Games'? Oh man, nothing can top them.
... Saw my long-term relationship come to an end.
So I know a lot of people understandably only share their good times online, but this is my blog, meaning it's kind of like my diary, right? I'm not going to miss it out and pretend like it wasn't one of the biggest things to happen to me this year, because it was. It lasted for almost five years, that's nearly all of my teenage years, so for it to come to end (end of October, in case you was wondering) was a very strange, uncomfortable experience. I always knew it was for the best though and I'm thankful for even knowing what a true relationship is at the small age of eighteen, as I know they don't come by easily. I learnt a lot from it and we're still friends, so I'm actually very lucky.
... Watched the last 'Twilight' movie, the end of an era!
Yep, it had to get a mention! I have been sucked into the films/books ever since the first movie came out. When you're a thirteen year old girl or whatever I was and you discover someone as perfect as Edward Cullen, well, what can I say? I mean, there's setting the bar high for men, and then there's Edward.
... Attended a blogger's party!
Yep, I have been to not one, but TWO bloggers' events this year! They actually happened within a few days of each other. It started with Harvey Nichols which was more a beauty blogger thing but I had fun all the same, and then there was the Daisystreet Christmas party which was so fun and great to meet some girls in person. Maybe next year will bring plenty more of these!
... Saw 'The Lion King' in theatre.
I went with my mum for her birthday over a week ago now. We wasn't really sure what to expect but we were both crying within the first five seconds, that's all I'm saying. We really want to get into going to more shows now, but I'm so glad we managed to get tickets for this particular one. Absolutely amazing.
So that's the review of my year! I'd say it's been a good one overall, especially because it's seen my mum and I grow closer than we've ever been (I love you mummy!) and I've done some pretty great things.
How has your 2012 been?